Colours to see

What colour are your eyes?

Is it black, grey, amber, red, hazel, green or blue?

Genetics is the major determinant of a person's eye colour.

Chromosome 15 present in a cell's nucleus contains two main genes namely OCA2 & HERC2     
 that determine the amount and quality of melanin pigment in the iris of the eyes.

Melanin pigmentation of the front layers of the iris imparts the colour to the centre of the eyes.

Iris is the structure that surrounds the pupil of the eyes.

More the melanin, darker the colour and vice versa. For instance, black eyes have more melanin.

Heterochromia iridis
Hetero means different
Chromia means pigmentation or colouring
Heterochromia iridis is a rare condition characterised by a difference in color between the iris of one eye and the iris of the other eye. Sometimes, the difference in colour is observed between parts of the same eye.  
